That great personage was no absolute jew, and did not cheat her in making the bargain more than was tolerable. 那家伙还算不上一个彻头彻尾的犹太人,跟他打交道还没有达到无可容忍的地步。
Even today, when parents do have to chip in for their children's living expenses, and even in relative terms, university education is a great bargain for Russians. 即便是在父母必须为子女的生活费出钱的今天,即便与欧洲国家相比,大学对于俄国人来说还是非常便宜的。
After years pushed to the sidelines by high valuations and fierce competition from private equity, so-called value investors believe the financial and capital market crisis now offers a great opportunity to buy companies at bargain prices. 过去几年,由于高估值及来自私人股本的激烈竞争,所谓的价值投资者被迫离场观望。他们相信,金融与资本市场危机如今带来了低价收购企业的良机。
Says one long-time weekend bargain hunter," In the back of your mind you have the hope of finding some fabulous painting stored away somewhere or something else of great value for a bargain price. " 一位长期专在周末找便宜货的人说:“你心底里暗自希望能用很低的价钱买到藏在什么地方的某幅珍奇的绘画或者某件有价值的东西。”
Plus they are great little programs at bargain prices for the audio constructor. 而且他们是伟大的音频构造价格便宜的小节目。
The the premier destination for foreign students, and represents a great educational bargain. 美国是海外留学生的首选目的地并且代表着物超所值的教育机会。
Involve your whole family to benefit one and all, and add a great "bonding" experience into the bargain. 让家庭成员都参加,使人人受益,而且这又是一次“增进和睦团结”的体验。
She's a great organizer and a gifted linguist into the bargain. 她是个伟大的组织者,而且还是个天才的语言学家。
In terms of size and function, therefore, it differs not a great deal from those bargain basement near-masterpieces of utility, the Citro? N Berlingo, Fiat Doblo or Renault Kangoo. 因此,在车体和功能方面,它与那些廉价的准大师级多用途车型没有太大差异,比如雪铁龙的berlingo,菲亚特的doblo或雷诺的kangoo。
But there is no great bargain opportunity, either. 但新兴市场也不再有什么异常物美价廉的机会。
Great engineering construction technological innovation invest system take traditional computing method, bargain principle of game theory and option pricing model to determine the capital investing amount. 而重大工程技术创新投资体系则在资金投入量上采取传统计算方法和博弈论中讨价还价原则以及期权定价模型的综合使用来确定。